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Posted by bryant100
5/9/2012  4:25:00 PM
why don't you have American Samba in your list of American dances?
Re: Samba
Posted by Guest
5/15/2012  2:37:00 AM
Just my thoughts. I doubt if a Samba would suit the American Smooth Style. Its action would always be as an International Style Samba under a different name.
Re: Samba
Posted by anymouse
5/15/2012  12:27:00 PM
"why don't you have American Samba in your list of American dances?"

Probably because video production is expensive and it's not a full member of the rhythm dances, but rather something borrowed as an optional add-on for social fun or to increase the profitability of pro/am comps.

Re: Samba
Posted by francoT
5/15/2012  4:34:00 PM
I don't thing that there is such a dance "American Samba". Samba is one of the five dances in the Latin American competition such as rumba, cha cha, jive, paso doble and samba. Those dances used to be called International style. In the american rythm competition, we have rumba, cha cha, bolero, east coast swing and mambo. They used to be called the American style.

Re: Samba
Posted by anymouse
5/15/2012  8:59:00 PM
"I don't thing that there is such a dance "American Samba"."

You actually will see it on at least the pro/am entry forms for many competitions, typically along with Argentine tango, night club something or other, hustle, etc. That seems like it's probably a case of "if people will buy, who are we to refuse to sell?" But it's very much a 2nd class citizen compared to the five competitive rhythm dances (though every now and then someone tries to organize a campaign to replace a few of the recognized dances with different ones).

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